
WebHackIT is the Capture The Flag hacking contest of the Cybersecurity course at Sapienza University of Rome. The competition is organised by Emilio Coppa.

Wait, what is a CTF?

A Capture the Flag (CTF) is a computer security competition. CTF contests are usually designed to serve as an educational exercise to give participants hands-on experience in the sort of attacks and protections found in the real world. There are two main styles of capture the flag competitions: jeopardy - like this competition - and attack/defense.

Jeopardy-style competitions usually involve multiple categories of problems, each of which contains a variety of questions that range from easy to more difficult ones. Teams or individuals attempt to earn the most points in the competition's time frame, but do not directly attack each other. CTFs often touch many aspects of information security, like cryptography, steganography, binary analysis and exploitation, reverse engeneering, web security, mobile security and others. This competition will be focused on email security and web security (client and server-side).